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The Dot Girl First Period Kit

The Dot Girl First Period Kit

The Dot Girl First Period Kit® - Everything a girl needs for her first period, including information and supplies all packed in a sturdy neoprene bag that may be used month after month to store supplies.

The kit is stocked with:

The Dot Girl Period Answer Book™ - a 20-page question and answer booklet covering the basics about menstruation including: How many days will I bleed? When will I get my first period? How do I track my period? What about cramps? What is a period anyway? Written in an easy-to-read and positive tone the booklet fits neatly inside the reusable case so girls can refer to it over and over again.

My Period Diary - included with The Dot Girl Period Answer Book™, the Diary allows girls to track their period over the first year.

The Dot Girl Warm Pad™, a reusable gel heating pad for soothing cramps.

Five disposal bags, five feminine hygiene pads and two hand wipes complete the kit ensuring girls that they'll be prepared in any situation.

Note: Sales tax for WA residents will be calculated during check out and added to the final payment amount.

**Due to vacation closure, orders placed today will be shipped on Monday, March 31st.  Thank you for your patience**

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